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OnlineHost: *** You are in "MoneyWhiz I". ***
OnlineHost: WRV10 has entered the room.
Hairstyl34: whats the subject tonight?
OnlineHost: Goldblader has entered the room.
ShwltrFrm: Where do you find credit cards with no annual fee, hello All..
Hairstyl34: Hey MW!
OnlineHost: Goldblader has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Hello and welcome to secrets of getting out of debt
ShwltrFrm: sounds interesting
OnlineHost: LMcKinster has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: MWDebFree has some power problems so I will be your sole host
OnlineHost: WHOPPO14 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: It comes down to having a good defense
MWFREEDOM: for your money
OnlineHost: LMcKinster has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Most people have excellent offense then loose it on defense
MWFREEDOM: It is not what you make it is what you keep
OnlineHost: VL1297ML has entered the room.
ShwltrFrm: what are the concerns this evening?
OnlineHost: WHOPPO14 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Always our #1 concern is getting out of debt
ShwltrFrm: These boards are new to me, but like to learn all I can.
OnlineHost: VL1297ML has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: getting away from that monster called interest
OnlineHost: KCKH31 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Go Kimi has entered the room.
Hairstyl34: I have a question...
Hairstyl34: if I have everything paid off ..
Go Kimi: what is the question?
Hairstyl34: except for my car payment
MWFREEDOM: if.....
OnlineHost: Vols In VA has entered the room.
Hairstyl34: should I try to establish more credit than that?
OnlineHost: LFulf48785 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: For what purpose?
Hairstyl34: will that be enough?
MWFREEDOM: What do you want to buy?
Hairstyl34: a personal or mortgage loan
OnlineHost: DOCTIMER has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Sounds like it would be enough
OnlineHost: PATT001 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Austinly has entered the room.
OnlineHost: LFulf48785 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: You want to buy a house?
OnlineHost: DollBt has entered the room.
Hairstyl34: yes in the next 6 months
OnlineHost: GAClicks has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Questions on getting out of debt?
Hairstyl34: I have credit cards paid off and closed out but I don't want them
MWFREEDOM: me neither
OnlineHost: ShwltrFrm has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRREE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: DollBt has left the room.
OnlineHost: WRV10 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Doe454 has entered the room.
Vols In VA: I've kept a couple but dropped the maximum spending limits from
5,000 to 200 dollars
PATT001: isn't it ok to have one credit card as long as you don't use it
Hairstyl34: I got in trouble with them once
MWFREEDOM: Just taught a class last Weds @ a community college on this very
same subject of...
MWFREEDOM: getting out of debt
MWFREEDOM: 1 card is fine-as long as you have debt under control or better
yet no debt
OnlineHost: Go Kimi has left the room.
OnlineHost: Go Kimi has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Caseymane has entered the room.
Vols In VA: Define under control (LOL)
MWFREEDOM: cards are toooooooooo easy to use. Hence, they are troublesome for
Hairstyl34: yeah! LOL
OnlineHost: Go Kimi has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Under control=paying off the ENTIRE balance each month
Vols In VA: that's my goal
OnlineHost: GAClicks has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: even that is not the ideal
MWFREEDOM: want to know why?
Hairstyl34: cash cash cash
OnlineHost: DOCTIMER has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Cash IS the ultimate credit card
OnlineHost: Vols In VA has left the room.
OnlineHost: Doe454 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MWynes9644 has entered the room.
JAGALLEN13: MW, I was told that if you have a credit card balance, try to pay
at least 5% or more
MWFREEDOM: WHen you use credit card(s) studies show people spend 30-40% more
than with cash
JAGALLEN13: monthly, do you agree?
JAGALLEN13: of the balance
Hairstyl34: MW Whats the level payment thing again?
OnlineHost: CConnor207 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: At least 5% is better than the 2% min-why not 10% or 100%?
OnlineHost: IRREE has left the room.
OnlineHost: MWynes9644 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: "Level" POWER payments?
OnlineHost: MWynes9644 has entered the room.
Caseymane: hello room
OnlineHost: KCKH31 has left the room.
Hairstyl34: yeah..
MWFREEDOM: If things are tight with your funds...
OnlineHost: Masris has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: #1 stop using the card
OnlineHost: Caseymane has left the room.
OnlineHost: MWynes9644 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: #2 Make this months min payment.....then
OnlineHost: Caseymane has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: continue to make that very same payment month in month out til
debt is paid off
OnlineHost: Masris has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: better yet is to increase your monthly payment from that basis
OnlineHost: Caseymane has left the room.
OnlineHost: Patb1189 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Not hazardous like min payment
MWFREEDOM: which will continue to drop each and every month
Hairstyl34: thanks I'm trying to help a friend!
OnlineHost: Jrfrank55 has entered the room.
Hairstyl34: I saved money and paid off mine one by one
MWFREEDOM: racking up the interest and the overall time it takes to payoff
the debt e.g. 40-50 years
MWFREEDOM: Great-how did you do it?
Hairstyl34: put away 100 dollars a month and lived like a tightwad for 6
PATT001: should you make level payments on all credit cards or just on the
ones you're trying to pay-
OnlineHost: CBPerk817 has entered the room.
PATT001: off first?
MWFREEDOM: WHy not put the $100 on the cc at the time?
OnlineHost: Compman472 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WEEGEEONE has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: I would hope you want to pay off ALL credit cards-correct?
Hairstyl34: I don't know..it just worked better this way
OnlineHost: Compman472 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Compman472 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Jrfrank55 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: I suggest put the money on the card ASAP
PATT001: i mean the ones with the smallest balances. you tackle those first,
MWFREEDOM: cuts interest exepenses
OnlineHost: Compman472 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Pay off smallest balance first
OnlineHost: JDJKLove has entered the room.
JDJKLove: hello
MWFREEDOM: then ( when it is paid off) use that cash flow on next smallest
PATT001: hi jdk
OnlineHost: ADDAAM has entered the room.
JDJKLove: we're a little late
MWFREEDOM: Never that late.
MWFREEDOM: If you showed up in an hour or so that would be a little late
MWFREEDOM: questions?
JDJKLove: did we miss anything important?
OnlineHost: IRREE has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Lots of good tips
OnlineHost: CBPerk817 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: you can always download the transcript from the chat library
MWFREEDOM: on Tues/Weds
ADDAAM: Yes dont' borrow money .. steal it...
MWFREEDOM: no extra charge
ADDAAM: But make sure you pay your taxes
JDJKLove: sounds good
OnlineHost: GMorris375 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Patb1189 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IRREE has left the room.
OnlineHost: Patb1189 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRREE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IRREE has left the room.
OnlineHost: MASTERTEKK has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Patb1189 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Alty-why are you so quiet tonight?
ALTY218: mw do you teach your students the same thing that you teach here?
JDJKLove: it looks like the room is filling
JAGALLEN13: mw, if I make bi weekly payments on my mortgage instead of
monthly, is there any benefits?
OnlineHost: ADDAAM has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Yes but it costs them
ALTY218: I'M listening
PATT001: i told my spouse how important it is to have an emergency fund. he's
not convinced. how can
MWFREEDOM: Sure-pay off mortgage in about 1/2 the time
PATT001: i convince him, especially when he likes to spend money?
JAGALLEN13: I wasn't sure if you had to have a special type of loan for that?
JDJKLove: in one year you make 13 monthly payment instead of 12
OnlineHost: SmrtrBlnde has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Is your spouse in debt?
OnlineHost: CConnor207 has left the room.
PATT001: yes
OnlineHost: MASTERTEKK has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: No special loan-just start sending in payments in advance
OnlineHost: ISPORT has entered the room.
JAGALLEN13: Thanks
OnlineHost: MASTERTEKK has entered the room.
OnlineHost: MASTERTEKK has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Too much month at the end on the money?
MWFREEDOM: Emergency fund is the answer
JDJKLove: don't you have to tell the co. that the money is for partial
payment and the rest on balance
OnlineHost: SmrtrBlnde has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Depends on the mortgage co
MWFREEDOM: if you are paying in advance you have the edge
JDJKLove: Isn't best just to make sure?
MWFREEDOM: especially since you are paying in arrears now
MWFREEDOM: best thing to do initially is make payment in advance
MWFREEDOM: instead of in arrears
OnlineHost: ISPORT has left the room.
JDJKLove: right
MWFREEDOM: like you are probably doing right now
MWFREEDOM: interest is working against you
MWFREEDOM: Interest never sleeps
MWFREEDOM: never takes a vacation
MWFREEDOM: works 24 hours a day
JDJKLove: And you do NOT have to pay a third company extra money to set this
OnlineHost: ADecubelli has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BUMPKINS1 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: 365 days a year
OnlineHost: ADecubelli has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Pay directly to your morgage company
MWFREEDOM: mortgage
MWFREEDOM: or make 14 payments a year instead of 12
JDJKLove: MW have you heard anything about the credit card companies reducing
interest for
JDJKLove: activated soldiers
OnlineHost: JP1986 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: put extra money
MWFREEDOM: on the debt
OnlineHost: JHaze999 has entered the room.
ALTY218: how does interest differ like on a personal loan and a credit card I
definetly know there is
MWFREEDOM: I think they will reduce interest but only for a short time
OnlineHost: JP1986 has left the room.
JDJKLove: I'm on my way to Bosnia for a tour and I want to find out how
ALTY218: yes
MWFREEDOM: Remember cc co make 76% of their profits off of interest
MWFREEDOM: Call them and ask
OnlineHost: Lka1107 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: ALTY waiting for you to finish your question
MWFREEDOM: personal loan vs cc
OnlineHost: Hairstyl34 has left the room.
JDJKLove: and what is the law for this, the soldiers, sailors relieve act has
been replaced
ALTY218: I meant I know there is a difference in the types of interest I just
don't know what it is
MWFREEDOM: I don't have the slightest idea-sorry
JDJKLove: thanks anyway
MWFREEDOM: Mainly the interest is similar the loans are different
MWFREEDOM: You are welcome
MWFREEDOM: Personal loans are closed ended
OnlineHost: JHaze999 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: WIll be paid off in a specified time
OnlineHost: Lka1107 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Credit cards are open ended/revolving
OnlineHost: RGiangrass has entered the room.
WEEGEEONE: MW- Any thoughts on Mercury Finance?
MWFREEDOM: as long as you use the card the term extends
MWFREEDOM: Who is Mercury Finance?
OnlineHost: RGiangrass has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: No thoughts-never heard of them
ALTY218: As the TV was on today there must have been at least 30 commercials
for equity loans for
MWFREEDOM: Money Store?
OnlineHost: PATT001 has left the room.
ALTY218: 125% of your homes values anyone thinking about his it can get you
OnlineHost: CDavis4060 has entered the room.
ALTY218: I know I have one
MWFREEDOM: It is really scary
MWFREEDOM: Are you scared?
ALTY218: yes these loans are advertised everywhere
OnlineHost: MTHay217 has entered the room.
ALTY218: scared?
MWFREEDOM: Yes scared?
OnlineHost: GMorris375 has left the room.
ALTY218: I feel really stupied for ever getting one in the first place
OnlineHost: CDavis4060 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: What advice could you share with the rest of us so we don't do the
same thing.
OnlineHost: TomKillack has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WEEGEEONE has left the room.
ALTY218: I think if I would have found your web site before I ever got one I
dont think I would have
OnlineHost: WEEGEEONE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: WEEGEEONE has left the room.
OnlineHost: TomKillack has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Why do you say that ALTY?
ALTY218: Well before I knew better the charge cards that you had before will
get charged right back
OnlineHost: P32118 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Mystreex has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: That is scary part
ALTY218: up and then you are in twice the amount you were in before you got
the loan
OnlineHost: Mystreex has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Everybody that I talk with say that will never happen to them and
then it does.
OnlineHost: HRKAL has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: WHy do you think that happens?
OnlineHost: P32118 has left the room.
OnlineHost: MRELECTSW has entered the room.
OnlineHost: BUMPKINS1 has left the room.
JDJKLove: and don't forget the equity loan owns a partof your house
MWFREEDOM: Everybody has such good intentions before they get the loan
MWFREEDOM: then they get the loan and....
MWFREEDOM: all of of a sudden they
ALTY218: I think you have to get scared to finally put a stop to this never
ending circle of debt
OnlineHost: AtomicJeff has entered the room.
OnlineHost: AtomicJeff has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: forget their good intentions.
JAGALLEN13: mw, are you pro/con for leasing autos vs. buying and why?
ALTY218: yes and it happens so fast you dont even realize it
MWFREEDOM: Is getting scared the final straw.
JDJKLove: No it shouldn't be
ALTY218: for me yes and the feelings I get from being in debt
MWFREEDOM: Leasing in most cases = leaching
MWFREEDOM: Leasing is more expensive than buying for most people
OnlineHost: HRKAL has left the room.
OnlineHost: HRKAL has entered the room.
OnlineHost: C2423 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: especially on a car that loses value so fast
JAGALLEN13: lower monthly payment is the lure
MWFREEDOM: I say buy the car.
MWFREEDOM: Sure and car dealers know how to grind a "payment" buyer
OnlineHost: Eilec6 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RiedelMJ has entered the room.
OnlineHost: RiedelMJ has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Alty-thanks for sharing your insightr
JDJKLove: What does the average car loose off the show room?
MWFREEDOM: insights
ALTY218: sure
OnlineHost: Eilec6 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Once you drive a car away from the dealer it is a used car
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: 20% maybe
OnlineHost: Eilec6 has entered the room.
HRKAL: 10-15%
OnlineHost: Schliepsk has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Pariah12 has entered the room.
MRELECTSW: OK.... whats the next step for debt freedom after credit card are
paid off??
OnlineHost: WGTJR23 has entered the room.
Eilec6: I have a question:
OnlineHost: Innahouse has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Next step is to use that money towards paying off other debt
OnlineHost: EDPIA has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IASTROBASE has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Pariah12 has left the room.
OnlineHost: IASTROBASE has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: e.g. home mortgage
OnlineHost: Mystreex has entered the room.
OnlineHost: IASTROBASE has entered the room.
MRELECTSW: like your house or car??
MWFREEDOM: Car than house
MTHay217: what is a "painless"way to reduce credit card debt quickly
OnlineHost: C2423 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Ultimate is to pay off the house
MRELECTSW: stop using them...
Eilec6: how much should i pay myself? have heard half of what is leftover,
10%, etc.
OnlineHost: Tghrek has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Painless way #1 stop spending
Schliepsk: Hello, can anyone tell me if I should take my employers "SIMPLE
IRA" or go for a ROTH privat
OnlineHost: Tghrek has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Pay yourself 10% of your gross
MWFREEDOM: pay yourself first/others next
OnlineHost: Diane919 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: #2 plug you leaks
Eilec6: Should i have credit protection plan on my cardssince my job is
MWFREEDOM: #3 pay off debt ASAP
IASTROBASE: hello, everyone. MWFREEDOM, can you explain what is to pay
MWFREEDOM: No credit protection=rip off
JDJKLove: Invest in your own future
Eilec6: thank you
Innahouse: plug your leaks?
MWFREEDOM: Take 10% off the top and save it in a NO SPEND account
OnlineHost: Diane919 has left the room.
MRELECTSW: what kind of account??
OnlineHost: EDPIA has left the room.
JDJKLove: Don't spend more than comes in
MWFREEDOM: Plug/leaks most people leak money every day not realizing it
Innahouse: I see
OnlineHost: Checkbook has entered the room.
IASTROBASE: JDJK.. I always try that but I fail
OnlineHost: Turtle289 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Fitzkorn has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: coffee, video rentals/phone calls/vending machines
Schliepsk: What do you think of ROTH ira, should I tie up my money I am only
MWFREEDOM: etc etc
OnlineHost: HRKAL has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: We know nothing about IRA's here
Eilec6: what is the procedure for consolidation?
MWFREEDOM: Understand?
Turtle289: I have a question.... please help
MWFREEDOM: Yes turtle
OnlineHost: Mystreex has left the room.
Checkbook: how do you get a bank to change your 21%int. card into a 8%
personal loan?????????
MWFREEDOM: 11 minutes left
Turtle289: last Aug we bought a house for 89,900 now we have it sold for
104.900... we are buying a
OnlineHost: Minerva2u has entered the room.
Turtle289: housse for 77.900///// what should we do about capital gains?
MWFREEDOM: Apply for the personal loan and see if you qualify
Checkbook: we are to far in debt....
MWFREEDOM: BUy a house for $105000 or pay capital gains
Schliepsk: Well, I don't know about credit card debt because I leave it at
home. Ciao
Checkbook: too much credit cards and high int. to get them paid down
MWFREEDOM: Most likely no reason for the bank to lower % rate
Turtle289: we can't afford a house at 105.///// is there a way to get around
Eilec6: how do I consolidate my debts in order to possible buy a home?
JDJKLove: you can simply request the bank to reduce the cc interest also,
OnlineHost: Schliepsk has left the room.
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: IRS says you will owe capital gains
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has entered the room.
IASTROBASE: If you apply for a loan to consolidate debts this can affect your
credit rating?
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has left the room.
Turtle289: Ok ... is there a time limit that we wouldn't have to pay capital
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Eilec you want to borrow yourself out of debt with a consolidation
loan so that you can get
OnlineHost: VILLATORO has left the room.
Checkbook: i've tried...we owe them to much for them to want to lower the
MWFREEDOM: deeper in debt with a home?
OnlineHost: TGK6 has entered the room.
Checkbook: can i threaten going to a councler??????
MWFREEDOM: Checkbook I think you have answered your own question
JDJKLove: mw will the capitol gains be for just the profit or the difference
in 104 - 78
Eilec6: MW- no but would like to put my money to work instead of paying rent
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Sure-good luck
OnlineHost: Minerva2u has left the room.
Turtle289: good question JDJK
Checkbook: is the credit counsler worth seeking out....we are 30 days behind
on all credit cards....
MWFREEDOM: I believe the profit between sales price and new purchase price
Turtle289: how do they figure capital gains?
Checkbook: i'm getting tired of the phone ringing
OnlineHost: SKTR15 has entered the room.
MWFREEDOM: Sure call the credit counselor
IASTROBASE: MWFREE... If you get a personal loan to consolidate debts this
affects your credit rating?
MWFREEDOM: Need to talk with tax person on the profits
JDJKLove: check, there are a lot of agencies, red cross, etc. are willing to
Checkbook: i've never done this before...scared
MWFREEDOM: Not affect your credit rating but chances are will affect your
Fitzkorn: JDJK -- check with a tax lawyer -- you can "roll" some gains into
your new house.
Turtle289: MW is there a percent that they use for capital gains. How will we
know how much to put back
OnlineHost: WGTJR23 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Need to talk with tax person-sorry I don't know
Turtle289: If we add to our new hoouse.... like a new room can that add to
the price of the house?
MRELECTSW: where is a good place to put your 10% money you pay yourself....
not saving account...
OnlineHost: TGK6 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: Yes good idea-add a room
IASTROBASE: I have invested 10% in mutual funds
MWFREEDOM: Mutual f\unds
MRELECTSW: what else
MWFREEDOM: with automatic reinvestment of dividends
Fitzkorn: MRELEC -- what's your investment time frame?
OnlineHost: SKTR15 has left the room.
MWFREEDOM: any stock with dividend reinvestment
JDJKLove: MW How about direct stock purchasing?
MWFREEDOM: Buy real estate
MWFREEDOM: That is a good one
MRELECTSW: what do you mean time frame??
Turtle289: MW... if we add a room on to the house can we add that price to
the price of the house?
Fitzkorn: How long do you plan to leave the money in the investment vehicle?
MWFREEDOM: Final questions?
MRELECTSW: lots of years about 10
MWFREEDOM: that will increase basis of the house
IASTROBASE: I guess if you have children you should try for every five
years=short term
Turtle289: Great!!!!! Thanks..... that is what we intend to do! You made me
soooo happy!
Fitzkorn: Mutual fund -- definitely.
Checkbook: we have 2 separtate companies...one netted 1200,00 for 20,000 and
one netted 200.00 from 30,
MWFREEDOM: Happy Happy Happy!
Turtle289: :o) !
Checkbook: the 200.00 one stated we are more secure with the stable
account...is that true
Checkbook: looking at investments for 24 yrs
Eilec6: MW- consolidation is a bad idea overall?
MWFREEDOM: You cannot borrow yourself out of debt
Eilec6: what if debts are more than payment?
Checkbook: no retirement money
MWFREEDOM: Ask Alty who was sharing with us earlier
Checkbook: told we could not barrow against it
Turtle289: ouch!
ALTY218: consolidation only got me deeper in debt!
MWFREEDOM: Debts will always be more than payment
JDJKLove: There are too many people spending more than they make!!
MWFREEDOM: Lots more than they make
Eilec6: but if I consolidate i won't be charging any more=no more debts
MWFREEDOM: You folks have been great tonight
ALTY218: you think you wont but you will
JDJKLove: only if you don't charge
MWFREEDOM: Eilec-Better done than said
IASTROBASE: good night.
Turtle289: MW You too thanks bunches!!!!!
OnlineHost: IASTROBASE has left the room.
ALTY218: bye bye mw
OnlineHost: Turtle289 has left the room.
Eilec6: JD- I won't be charging all accounts are cancelled
MWFREEDOM: Most people have excellent interntions then forget about their
intentions and get deeper in
JDJKLove: will you start new ones??
Eilec6: JD- no
MWFREEDOM: Folks-come join us same time next week
Eilec6: CAsh only
OnlineHost: GAClicks has entered the room.
Checkbook: i've learned my leason too.....credit sinks
Eilec6: Bye MW
ALTY218: if you can faithfully stick to no charging
OnlineHost: JAGALLEN13 has left the room.
Checkbook: no money to spend now...we only pay the min. balances due
Checkbook: takes everything plus
ALTY218: i know me too
MRELECTSW: get a second job checkbook
Fitzkorn: Or declare personal bankruptcy
Eilec6: ALty-I realized my mistake , always cash now...how do I consolidate
them now
Checkbook: is that ok
JDJKLove: but do you have an emergency fund
Checkbook: only retirement...
OnlineHost: GAClicks has left the room.
Fitzkorn: more popular than ever - check with an attorney
ALTY218: I used my home and got a consolidation loan
JDJKLove: that may not be a good idea, fitz
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has left the room.
Checkbook: do they notify your employer when you file
Eilec6: Alty- i see
ALTY218: I wish I never would have now though
Fitzkorn: I agree there are drawbacks, but its an option worth exploring
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Austinly has left the room.
Checkbook: all pmts. made now go for interest
JDJKLove: people use that as a way out don't forget that you agreed to pay
these people
OnlineHost: Austinly has entered the room.
Eilec6: alty- i have no home, what are my chances?
OnlineHost: Austinly has left the room.
OnlineHost: MTHay217 has left the room.
Fitzkorn: That's the way the system is designed, JD; bankruptcy is a "fresh
OnlineHost: MTHay217 has entered the room.
ALTY218: well the only other way to get one is to have a good job and have
good credit
JDJKLove: it is not it's an excuse
Checkbook: i'm only 30 days behind..and they call all the time..7 days 14
days 21 days.....
Checkbook: it gets really bad
OnlineHost: MTHay217 has left the room.
Checkbook: especially when you always pay when you say you are going too
OnlineHost: EJones2366 has entered the room.
JDJKLove: there are laws that say they cannot do that
OnlineHost: MRELECTSW has left the room.
Fitzkorn: Not true, JD; for some people, it's the only realistic option
Checkbook: they do...reminder calls
Checkbook: we are behind for the lst time in 20 yrs..we moved twice this
Checkbook: been behind for about 6 months...
Fitzkorn: fitzkorn has to spend time with his wife now; goodbye
JDJKLove: Checkbook, it sounds like you have some strong problems, maybe you
should look for
OnlineHost: Kittcom has entered the room.
Eilec6: Question: should I get a loan to buy a house and include my debts in
that loan?
Checkbook: for what???
JDJKLove: some professional help, but be careful the easy way is not always
the best, or right
OnlineHost: EJones2366 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Fitzkorn has left the room.
Checkbook: i know, my kids are both out of school this year...we are suppose
to be at our best $$ wise
JDJKLove: shop around there are a lot of ways to fix things
Innahouse: Eilec6 - they may not approve you for the loan, unless you have a
good sized down-payment
Checkbook: wonder how things go wrong
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has left the room.
ALTY218: I dont think you can include personal debt when purchasing a home
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has entered the room.
Eilec6: thanks mom
OnlineHost: EREAUMEIV has left the room.
Innahouse: LOL Eilec6
OnlineHost: Kittcom has left the room.
Innahouse: Even if you didn't have debts, you would still have to have a good
Checkbook: a larger one
Eilec6: Home seller doesn't need down payment
Checkbook: we tried to buy a 90,000 house we need at least 20,000 down with
our debt ratio
JDJKLove: when you shop for a loan, shop around and try bargaining
Checkbook: thanks for chatting...I'll be back for the debt free show on the
Eilec6: see ya CB
Checkbook: maybe it'll help us out?????
OnlineHost: Checkbook has left the room.
OnlineHost: JDJKLove has left the room.
Eilec6: JD I have a credit union to go to will that make a difference?
OnlineHost: Dayclark has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TMBA has entered the room.
Dayclark: anyone here????
TMBA: Who's here?
OnlineHost: ALTY218 has left the room.
Dayclark: I am I think
TMBA: Just got here anyone talking?
Innahouse: some have been
Eilec6: well good night...see ya'll next week